Industrial SATA Solid State Drive (SSD) Modules for Embedded OEM Designs

Industrial embedded system designs require a reliable storage device to store the operating system, application and data which can be called on to operate for a decade or more in harsh environments. This post focuses on the SATA interface devices for the Industrial environment.

For a more comprehensive view, of the specifics of Industrial Grade flash storage, see the following resources:

Industrial SATA SSD Modules come in a variety of form factors to meet the differing needs of the OEM system designers. The most popular SATA modules for embedded applications are mSATA, CFast, Slim SATA and 2.5” SATA SSD.


Industrial mSATA SSD are small embedded modules which have pads at the end to mate to the female host system connector. They are popular in many consumer applications such as netbooks and small notebooks. Their use in Industrial applications is increasing due to their small size and high performance.

More details on the mSATA form factor can be found on the blog post: What is a mSATA SSD?


Industrial Slim SATA SSD are larger than their mSATA counterparts. The Slim SATA shares the same connector as the 2.5” SATA SSD, so they can use the standard SATA connector found on many power supplies. Slim SATA are finding their way into Industrial designs due to ease of install and smaller size than 2.5” SATA SSD.

More details on the Slim SATA SSD can be found on the blog post, Slim SATA (MO-297) Industrial and Industrial MLC are Simple, Reliable Embedded Solutions.


Industrial CFast modules are related to the older CompactFlash form factor, since they are both defined by the CompactFlash Association. The CFast leverages a similar physical size and packaging construction as the CompactFlash, but has the faster SATA interface. There is a growing demand for CFast products in the Industrial market due to faster performance and small modular size.


Industrial 2.5” SATA SSD are popular in the Industrial embedded systems since integrating a 2.5” SATA SSD is well understood. For designs which have sufficient space for the full size 2.5” SSD form factor, these are a simple solution.

Let us know if you would like more details regarding any the Cactus SATA SSD Modules or other products.

Steve Larrivee has over 30 year's experience in the data storage market, including 5 years at Seagate Technology and 10 years at SanDisk. He joined Cactus Technologies Limited as an equity partner and Co-Founded Cactus USA in 2007 with partner Tom Aguillon. Learn more about Steve on LinkedIn.