Month: February 2015
Here's the latest Infographic from Cactus showing a 2.5" SATA III SSD cutaway and illustrating a number of key advantages for Industrial Grade Flash Storage. A single one of these attributes can mean the difference between success and failure of an Embedded OEM System design.
Happy Chinese New Year 2015! Thank you for your support and business during the past year! We wish you a happy and fruitful year of the GOAT!
Industrial embedded system designs require a reliable storage device to store the operating system, application and data which can be called on to operate for a decade or more in harsh environments. This post focuses on the SATA interface devices for the Industrial environment. For a more comprehensive view, of the specifics of Industrial Grade...
This is Blog #1 of 13 in our Solid State Drives 101 educational series. If you're ready, continue to Blog #2: SLC, MLC & TLC NAND Flash. This article takes a look at the basics of a NAND flash cell, the building block of almost every solid state drive. It is the first of several articles that...
What happens to data in-transit to the solid state drive (SSD) when there is an unexpected power interruption, is an item overlooked by many Industrial OEM host system designers. Limiting the systems exposure to data loss should be high on the list of design priorities. The issue of unexpected power loss presents itself when the...